Monday 15 September 2008

York vid!

Gunna be finished and ready for the pemiere on Saturday at 7pm at my house in Newcastle! Canny wait!
Think Matttt is driving Robbie and Gus up (who will pay half each for petrol my poor broke dear....less than the train would be for them anyway!) on either Friday night (I'm working 10-1) or Sat morning (I'm working 12-4 during the day) though I'm not working Sat night which is a bonus!
Should be sick and I mean in a good way (except Robbie's part, that will be sick in a bad way...I mean get some style man....)!

Monday 8 September 2008

angus... too good. went riding with him n robbie today...

Wednesday 3 September 2008


Anyone up for bridlington this weekend? Ill drive!
Also i no i always used to bang on about him but just watch this and you ll see why! Dead Bang part!

Monday 1 September 2008


i need to go to leeds to film a last few clips before you start editing, anytime will be good!